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Courage Family Counseling 


Whether in a relationship or marriage a strong foundation in relationships can last a lifetime as long as you put in the time and the work it takes to keep it strong.


Stage 1- Deciding your family needs help

Heathy Family starts now


Stage 2-  Start Connecting

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Stage 3-  Counselling 

Start working on bringing out the best of yourself by dealing with past & present emotional issues,

Stage 4- Meetings 
Online & Outpatient 
Stage 5- Family Meetings
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Stage 6- Opportunity 
to create your dream family

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What is the meaning of family counseling?

Family counseling, or family therapy, is a method to develop and maintain healthy and functional family relationships. The goal is to identify and address problems in the family. These issues could be emotional, psychological, or behavioral.

What is the goal of family counseling?

Usual goals of family therapy are improving the communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling special family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment.

What are the 5 stages of family therapy?

Family Therapy

  • Stage 1 (Joining)

  • Stage 2 (Identify)

  • Stage 3 (Shifts)

  • Stage 4 (Maintaining the Gains)

  • Stage 5 (Ending/Termination)

What is the difference between family counseling and couples counseling?

Marriage counseling focuses on the needs of the couple. Family counseling can include any number of people in the family – parents, children, grandparents, co-parents, etc. Family counseling may only involve one parent and one child, or it may include an entire household.

What is an example of family counseling?

For example, suppose therapy has been sought due to a child's struggles at school. In that case, the therapist might meet with the child individually and then call the family to discuss the treatment plan and instruct the parents on how to support their child best.

What are the stages of family counseling?

Four major stages are outlined, each with several substages: 1) the preparation stage—mutual acceptance, definition of the problem, formulation of goals; 2) the transition stage—beginning actualization, crisis, reformulation and acceptance; 3) the consolidation stage—investment in the therapeutic work, working through ...

What are the pros and cons of family therapy?

Potential benefits may include a stronger family unit and a deeper understanding of each other, while possible drawbacks may involve challenges if not all family members are willing to participate and frustrations at differing advice offered by the counselor.

What mental illnesses would benefit from family therapy?

Family therapy is often a useful tool in treating the following conditions: Psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. Substance use disorders. Mood disorders, which include depression and bipolar disorder.

What are the 4 R's in family therapy?

The targeted skills and processes are referred to in the curriculum as the 4Rs (Rules, Responsibility, Relationships, and Respectful Communication) and 2Ss (Stress and Social support)

What happens in a family therapy session?

Expect the family therapist to look at the relationships, the interactions, and the communication patterns between the members of the family and to intervene to improve them.

What is the most common type of family therapy?

One of the most commonly used types of family therapy is structural family therapy (SFT). SFT focuses on the interactions between family members and how these interactions shape the family's structure.

What are the different types of family counseling therapy?

Types of Therapy and Family Counseling

  • Structural Family Therapy. ...

  • Strategic Family Therapy. ...

  • Systemic Family Therapy. ...

  • Narrative Family Therapy. ...

  • Transgenerational Therapy. ...

  • Communication Theory. ...

  • Psychoeducation. ...

  • Relationship Counseling.

Is there such a thing as family Counselling?

The aim of family therapy is to find ways for family members to help each other. In family therapy, a therapist works with families and those in close relationships who experience problems. The therapist explores their views and relationships to understand the problems they are having.

What type of counselor is best for marriage?

licensed marriage family therapist

A licensed marriage family therapist specializes in working with couples and families. These professionals focus on helping people repair relationships and develop essential relationship skills. A LMFT must have a master's degree in marriage and family therapy or a similar discipline.

How do I start a family therapy session?

Start each session by communicating respect for each person's unique story without any preconceived notions about who is right or wrong in the dynamic. Actively listen and understand each person's perspective, and don't immediately jump to conclusions.

What is the success rate of family Counselling?

Generally the results vary depending on the therapist, but between 70-90% of couples find couples therapy beneficial. Beyond that, approximately two-thirds report an improvement in their general physical well-being as well. It's important to note that with more sessions comes more success.

What is the first step in family therapy?

Identify: The first step is to identify the issue or problem that has brought your family to therapy. Your therapist may ask to speak with the children separate from their parents to get a better idea of each individual's feelings towards the situation.

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